Stick Figure, the nickname for frontman and multi-instrumentalist Scott Woodruff, has been on a meteoric rise in the reggae-rock scene over the last few years. Since his humble beginnings, writing and recording music in his homemade bedroom studio, to the cabin in the woods (where he wrote and recorded Set in Stone), to the amazing space now called Great Stone Studios – Stick Figure has been expertly honing his sound. There is a very unique tone and feeling to every Stick Figure song. It’s unmistakable, from the first note to the last beat – undeniably Stick Figure. World on Fire is no exception.
The album kicks off with a new one – Once in a Lifetime. On this track, you are instantly pulled in to the world of Stick Figure bliss. The atmospheric intro that bleeds right into that signature Stick Figure beat leads you down this bouncy and relaxing path of immersion that Woodruff happily hangs his hat on. The production on this one (and pretty much everything Woodruff gets his hands on) is so top notch– I’m tempted to say perfect. It’s so easy to get lost in the music, that one might just take the vocals as another piece of instrumentation. However, as any Stick Figure fan knows, you don’t pass up on Woodruff’s lyrics. Once in a Lifetime, in my humble opinion, might be some of the best lyricism from the man.
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